Save the Date: GreenGive 2020 to be held May 12th and 13th
Scenic Rivers Will Again Partner with Local Environmental Groups to Raise Funds for the Greener Good
Please mark your calendar to Give for the Greener Good during the 4th annual GreenGive on May 12th and 13th, 2020. Several Anne Arundel County environmental nonprofits will once again host this 24-hour online fundraising initiative designed to both raise funds and expand residents’ and businesses’ engagement with local environmental organizations, issues, projects, and actions. A GreenGive Live kickoff party will be held Tuesday, May 12, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts.
More information and a list of GreenGive Partner Organizations can be found at www.greengive.org.
Join the GreenGive!
Additional partner organizations are invited to apply to be part of the GreenGive by sending an email request to Katie Foster, Development and Communications Coordinator for Watershed Stewards Academy at kefoster@aacps.org no later than January 3, 2020.
Eligible partner organizations must:
- Be a 501(c)3 organization or have a fiscal agent
- Focus on waterway restoration and/or environmental sustainability exclusively or primarily in Anne Arundel County
- Confirm participation and submit entry payment by February 1, 2020
New organizations will be approved by the existing organizations by January 15, 2020.
GreenGive is all about collaboration. We know that working together strengthens our effectiveness and broadens our impact. Follow our progress on Facebook.