Scenic Rivers is dedicated to educating the Anne Arundel County community about the value of land protection and its many environmental, economic and quality of life benefits.
Educational Events
We host a variety of educational events throughout the year for landowners, the general public and professional services professionals such as realtors, attorneys and financial advisors.
Our annual educational events include:
- Breakfast Briefing for Professionals. Scenic Rivers is a resource for local professional services providers who advise landowners in the county. We host an annual breakfast briefing with a panel of experts to inform professionals on the latest legal and tax guidance and land protection opportunities for their clients.
- Conservation 101 for Landowners. These workshops for landowners interested in preserving their land are hosted biannually. Landowners with 10 or more acres to conserve learn the basics of conservation easements and how they can benefit from conserving their land. Staff provide information, options and answer questions about Anne Arundel County’s Forestry and Forested Land Protection Grant Program, which can provide a $3,000 per acre incentive to encourage easements on forested land or land that could be planted in forest.
- Jan Hollmann Environmental Education Award. The Jan Hollmann Environmental Education Award, established in 1994 by people who worked with Jan in preserving the environment, recognizes an individual or organization that has been especially effective in achieving environmental education in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Scenic Rivers is a proud partner of this important annual award recognizing the value of environmental education.
- Walk for the Woods. Our annual event celebrating families exploring the outdoors, the beautiful Bacon Ridge Natural Area and the value of land protection. Attendees are invited to explore over 900 acres of woodlands, streams, meadows and trails on a variety of guided hikes or on their own.
Visit our events calendar for more information on these events and others.
Resource for County Government
Given Scenic Rivers’ more than thirty years of experience working in Anne Arundel County on land protection issues, we serve as a valuable resource to the County government. Scenic Rivers’ staff and experts:
- Provide guidance on the ins and outs of conservation easements and land preservation policy and can help the County evaluate property purchase opportunities;
- Work with the County through their partnership with the Chesapeake Bay Trust to fund protection and reforestation eligible lands;
- Permanently protect land without the County having to take on management or maintenance obligations; and
- Advise policymakers to ensure key natural areas are preserved and protected.
Other Educational Activities
Scenic Rivers staff and board regularly participate in community events connected to improving the environmental health of our County, such as the Anne Arundel County Watershed Stewards Academy annual meeting. Staff are also available for speaking engagements, such as conferences and civic events, and personal consultation regarding the viability of conserving your property.
Contact us to discuss presentation opportunities for your event.