South County
A Place Full of Greenways, Watersheds and Family Lands
Southern Anne Arundel County, known locally as South County, consists of gently rolling farmland from the Patuxent River to the Rhode River and also contains extensive tidal, fresh and forested wetlands. This area’s natural and rural character is unmistakably unique in development-pressured Anne Arundel County, which is why Scenic Rivers has identified it as one of our priority areas for preservation. We work with landowners in this area to put conservation easements on their property in order to help preserve the rural and natural character for which the area is known.
South County, considered any part of the county south of Maryland Route 50, remains incredibly rich in natural resources. Crowned by the 2,800-acre Smithsonian Environmental Research Center to the north, the 3-mile-long Rhode River and 6-mile-long West River are natural treasures and boating playgrounds.
The community support for maintaining the area’s rural character and protecting the Chesapeake Bay remains strong. In South County, Scenic Rivers easements currently protect 16 properties, totaling 1,184 acres. Ample opportunity still exists to expand the protected acreage before it is overtaken by development growth.
Contact Us
If you are a landowner in South County and are interested in permanently protecting your property from development, we can help. Contact us to learn more about our conservation programs.