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Urge Congress to Act Now: Pass the Charitable Conservation Easement Program Integrity Act

Important legislation would safeguard tax payers; uphold integrity of land conservation Land conservation is built on trust. It’s built on the public’s trust that conservation organizations are doing the right…

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Annual Conservation Easement Monitoring Season in Full Swing

Conservation easement on SERC’s Contee Farm protects mature forest, historic farmland, and spectacular view In late October, Scenic Rivers’ stewardship volunteer and Board President Joan Renner joined members of the…

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Thank You for Making Walk & Ride for the Woods a Success!

October virtual hiking and biking event raised over $34,000 for land protection in Anne Arundel County As we head into Thanksgiving and the holiday season, we are grateful to have…

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2020 Monitoring Season Kicks Off

Staff, team of volunteer land stewards to visit every Scenic Rivers conservation easement before end of year Like everything else this year, Scenic Rivers’ conservation easement monitoring season kicked off…

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Fourth Annual GreenGive Raises over $110,000 to Benefit the Environment in Anne Arundel County

The Anne Arundel County community showed its support for a cleaner and healthier environment by donating over $110,000 to ten local environmental organizations during the annual GreenGive fundraising event. The…

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Scenic Rivers Names Joan Renner as Board President

Four New Members Approved at June Board Meeting Annapolis, Md. (July 13, 2020) — Joan Renner, Chief Financial Officer of The Brick Companies, has been named President of Scenic Rivers…

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2019 Annual Report Now Available Online

Scenic Rivers’ first-ever annual report reflects on 2019 successes It is safe to say that this is not the environment in which we expected to be publishing Scenic Rivers Land…

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Working Toward a Stronger, More Just Community

Scenic Rivers Land Trust stands in solidarity with Black, Indigenous, and all People of Color in the efforts to end the racism that still exists in many forms throughout this…

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“Doc Bear” is Back on the Trail!

Dr. Cliff Andrew kicked off his annual Appalachian Trail hike to benefit Scenic Rivers and Appalachian Trail Conservancy on June 13 Eight  years ago, Dr. Cliff Andrew, a former Scenic…

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Scenic Rivers Joins the Lifeline 100 Century Ride as an Official Nonprofit Partner

Cyclist of all ages and abilities are invited to ride on our behalf and raise funds to protect our land and water! Folks, we’re making an optimistic leap here… Scenic…

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Scenic Rivers Executive Director Named One of Leadership Anne Arundel’s 2020 New Leader Honorees

Sarah Knebel to be honored as one of Anne Arundel County’s exceptional new leaders ANNAPOLIS, MD (April 22, 2020) – Leadership Anne Arundel (LAA), the premier leadership training and networking…

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A Reason to Look Forward: Critter Discovery

With our signature event postponed, we’re looking forward by looking back on brighter days Yes, the 15th Annual Walk for the Woods is postponed (originally scheduled for this weekend)—with a new…

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