Scenic Rivers Land Trust Position on the Proposed Baltimore-Washington, DC MAGLEV Project
Scenic Rivers Land Trust is dedicated to protecting the conservation easements it holds. We are troubled that one of the proposed MAGLEV trainset maintenance facilities (TMF-198) will destroy 20 acres of a perpetual 250-acre conservation easement held by Scenic Rivers Land Trust, Maryland Environmental Trust, and Patuxent Tidewater Land Trust. This easement was put in place to protect high quality forest and wetlands within the Little Patuxent River watershed.
As can be expected, Scenic Rivers Land Trust is against the construction of the MAGLEV TMF-198, as proposed.
While we have many concerns regarding the impact of this new transit system, many of which have already been detailed by other organizations, we are deeply concerned that the construction of the MAGLEV will negatively impact the forest conservation efforts that Marylanders have worked so hard to advance, including 31-38 Anne Arundel County forest conservation easements, depending on the alignment chosen.
Read more about the proposed project here.